Hotel near Arles
Once a provincial capital of the ancient Rome, Arles is a city located next to the Rhone, 20 minutes from our 20 minutes from our hôtel b design & spa.
Coty of Art and History, Arles is famous as it has inspired Van Gogh for many of his masterpiece, and abounds with hundreds of roman monuments, both classified as a World Heritage site by Unesco.
The renowned amphitheater of Arles also welcomes theater performances, concert and bullfights.
The “Must See” of Arles :
- The Arenas
- The Arles Ferias
- Van Gogh Tour
- The antique Theater
- The Alyscamps
- Constantin’s thermal baths
- The museum of the ancient Arles
- Montmajour abbey
- The Arlaten museum
- The rice Musuem

13 - (Bouches-du-Rhone)
Office du tourisme
Office du tourisme